NODYCON 2021 Terms and Conditions
Content Presented at NODYCON
Participants are reminded to present content associated with approved abstracts and not to present any content that may be considered proprietary, confidential or restricted in any way.
Registration Fees
All conference participants must register and pay the advertised fee including authors, presenters, chairs, co-chairs.
Identification at Registration
Individual registrants may only collect their own individual registration package and are not allowed to pick up badges or materials for others.
Student Registration Fees
Student registration rates are only available to undergraduate and graduate students who have not yet received their Ph.D. Post-docs may not register as students.
Student Identification
All Students must send a valid student photo identification that includes an ID number and “Valid Thru” date to
Payment Method
NODYON accepts online payments via credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, American Express) and wire transfers. Credit card payments are strongly encouraged.
Each paper has a primary author identified to present the paper. Should the primary author not be available, a co-author may be nominated as a substitute. Any proposed substitution must be notified in advance of the presentation via email to The presenting author is committed to upload the pre-recorded presentation in a dedicated page of the conference website by February 8, 2021. The live presentation option will be available to all presenting authors. The pre-recorded presentations are a backup in case of internet connection issues. The pre-recorded presentation is also an option available to presenting authors who are, however, requested to be online to answer questions in the allotted time.
Refunds/Cancellation Fee
Requests for conference registration fee refunds must be received before December 18, 2020 and are subject to a €75 non-refundable fee.