The Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2023) will be held in Rome, June 18-22, 2023. The previous NODYCON conference was hosted in 2021 as a virtual online conference to promote the sense of cohesiveness and liveliness of the NODYCON community notwithstanding the uncertainties related to the COVID-19 crisis. After the successful launch of NODYCON in Rome in 2019, NODYCON 2023 will be held in Rome again as an in-person meeting but online attendance will also be arranged. The 2023 Edition will feature several keynotes of broad interest, round tables, workshops, and oral presentations covering recent advances in the rich spectrum of topics covered by NONLINEAR DYNAMICS, including new frontiers and challenges. The full-length papers will be published by Springer Nature within the fully indexed new Book series called Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics.
Papers dealing with one or more of the following topics will be considered for the conference:
- Multi-scale dynamics: coexistence of multiple time/space scales, large system dynamics
- Experimental dynamics: benchmark experiments, experimental methods, instrumentation techniques, measurements in harsh environments, experimental validation of nonlinear models
- Dynamics of structures/industrial machines/equipment/facilities
- Composite, nanocomposite, and multifunctional structures: damping, modeling, dynamics
- Adaptive, multifunctional, and meta material structures
- Reduced-order modeling: center manifold reduction, nonlinear normal modes, normal forms
- Nonsmooth dynamics
- Systems with time and/or space delays
- Fractional-order system dynamics
- Nonlinear interactions: parametric vibrations with single/multi-frequency excitations, multiple external and autoparametric resonances in multi-dof systems.
- Computational techniques: efficient algorithms, use of symbolic manipulators, integration of symbolic manipulation and numerical methods, use of parallel processors.
- Nonlinear system identification: parametric/nonparametric identification, data-driven identification
- NEMS/MEMS and nanomaterials: multi-sensors, actuators with nonlinear working principles
- Multibody dynamics: rigid and flexible multibody system dynamics, impact and contact mechanics, tire modeling, railroad vehicle dynamics, biomechanics applications, computational multibody dynamics
- Fluid/structure interaction
- Influence of nonlinearities on vibration control systems
- Human-machine interaction
- Nonlinear wave propagation in discrete and continuous media
- Advanced cryptography based on chaotic maps
- Network dynamics (multi-agent systems, leader-follower dynamics, swarm dynamics, biological networks dynamics)
- Ecosystem dynamics, social media dynamics (user behavior dynamics in multi-messages social hotspots, prediction models), financial engineering, complexity in engineering
- Modeling and prediction of COVID-19 and future pandemic scenarios.
The one-page abstracts to be submitted online using the Conference portal will be included in the Conference Book of Abstracts. Authors will have the option of submitting full-length papers for publication consideration as Springer Proceedings papers within the Book series called Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics. The papers will be made available to the following indexing services: Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science, Scopus, EI Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases), Google Scholar, MathSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH. A list of papers will be invited to a Special Issue of NONLINEAR DYNAMICS. To accelerate the reviewing process, referees will be invited from those who will attend the conference. The Springer Conference Proceedings papers will be published soon after NODYCON 2023.