Ali H. Nayfeh Prizes

Ali H. Nayfeh Prizes
Springer sponsored prizes, named the ALI H. NAYFEH Prizes, in honor of Nonlinear Dynamics's founding editor, the late Professor Ali H. Nayfeh, will be awarded for the best papers presented by graduate students and postdocs at NODYCON 2023.
The Award ceremony will be held during the Conference Banquet, June 21, 2023. The prize for the first place is € 500, for the second place € 400, and for the third place € 300. The Award Committee members will decide on the awards based on the quality of the written paper using the criteria of novelty, achievement, and potential impact. The papers will be submitted to the NODYCON 2023 Special Issue of Nonlinear Dynamics or to the NODYCON 2023 Springer Proceedings. Submit your nomination before March 10, 2023 to:
Ali H. NAYEFH Senior Award & Early Career Award
The Nonlinear Dynamics Society (NODYS) solicits nominations for the Ali H. Nayfeh Senior Award and NODYS Early Career Award. These awards will be presented at the Third International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2023) to be held in Rome, Italy, June 18-22, 2023.
The Senior Ali H. Nayfeh Award is established to recognize exceptional contributions to the field of nonlinear dynamics.
The NODYS Early Career Award is established to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of nonlinear dynamics and a trajectory of excellence.
Selection Criteria and Nomination Materials
The Senior Ali H. Nayfeh Award recognizes exceptional impact of research contributions and education of researchers and/or practitioners, and general leadership in advancing the field. The Senior Award is not an end-of-career award as it aims to recognize also mid-career individuals with a remarkable record of contributions. The Early Career Award is presented to an early-career recipient who demonstrates research excellence in the field of nonlinear dynamics. At the time of awarding, candidates must be under the age of 40 years, and be within 10 years of their terminal degree. While these awards are broad in scope of research in the field of nonlinear dynamics, the use of analytical methods is particularly appreciated for the Senior Award to honor the memory and exemplary role of Prof. Ali H. Nayfeh.Nominations should include (1) a nomination letter describing the field of, and the impact of, the nominee, (2) a curriculum vitae and other meaningful supporting material, and (3) up to three letters of support. All nomination materials must be submitted in electronic (pdf) format.
Submission Instructions
Submit nomination materials before March 10, 2023 to: Nayfeh_Awards@nodycon.orgProfessor Emeritus of Nonlinear Dynamics

21 December 1933 - 27 March 2017